Converting. A wealth of refined options.
With the constantly rising demand for more and more options using refined papers, foils and nonwoven materials, the converting industry is growing rapidly.
Although converting processes may seem very diverse at first glance, our specialists can almost always trace the tasks back to a typical, standardized motion control function for continuous material webs, or a combination of these. To name just a few:
- Axle winder function
- Flying splice function
- Flying saw function
- Crosscutter function
- Positioning function
- Register function
- Automatic blade positioning
Kühne+Vogel GmbH provides you with the perfect solution for your converting machine by efficiently applying our extensive WebDrive+module library together with the abovementioned basic functions. Our experts have developed high-performance, proven functional modules for every regulation task. Here are a few:
- Direct or indirect tension control for axle winders
- Winding tightness characteristics
- Tension regulator with/without infeed support
- Motor speed ratio regulation
- Synchronous or asynchronous angle regulation
- Load distribution regulation for force-fitting connections
- Load distribution regulation for non-force-fitting or partially force-fitting connections
- Flying splice synchronization
- And much more
Our application engineers supplement the motion control functions with safety-oriented control functions, user-friendly HMI solutions and modular control system applications where needed, for an optimally integrated overall solution.